
Anupama 9th May 2024: Anupama American Journey

Anupama 9th May 2024 Written Episode By Yo Desi Serials.

Toshu confronts Anupama, asserting that while she is considered great for thinking of others’ well-being, he is labeled a devil for considering his own. He accuses her of always being insulted by Aadhya, yet she still cared for her at Anuj’s house. Toshu then presents a detailed account of expenses he incurred on her behalf, including rent, food, coffee, shampoo, and other items, totaling over 3000 USD.

He demands repayment, adding today’s decoration costs and revising the total to Rs. 3570 USD. Anupama, shocked and hurt, remembers caring for Toshu since he was young and vows to remember this day forever. She promises to settle his payment by the next day, takes her trophy and apron, and leaves. Kinjal, disturbed, follows suit. Toshu, realizing he forgot to include the cake expense, quickly revises the total and eats the cake.

Anupama tells herself not to let anyone ruin her golden day, asserting that today is her day. She resolves to answer Toshu, but not on this day. She affirms that today is about her happiness, her victory, and she will celebrate without allowing any negative thoughts to intrude.

A man recognizes Anupama and requests a selfie with her. After taking the photo, he expresses gratitude, saying, “Anupama did it.” Overjoyed, Anupama agrees, affirming that she did indeed achieve her goal.

Upon arriving at Anuj’s house, he warmly welcomes her, acknowledging her success. He expresses immense happiness and congratulates her. Anupama recounts her moment of doubt when Mr. Keith initially announced another winner, but then declared her the actual winner. She felt surprised but elated when the crowd cheered her name.

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Anuj, proud of her achievement, embraces her and continues to celebrate her victory. Meanwhile, Shruti, in a wheelchair with a nurse, watches from a distance, looking upset.

Kinjal confronts Toshu, questioning why he indulges in sweets when his words are venomous. Toshu counters, claiming that asking for money doesn’t equate to wrongdoing. Kinjal retorts, suggesting he should have approached her instead. Toshu asserts his right over his mother, leading Kinjal to admonish him, comparing his behavior to that of a disruptive animal. Toshu feels insulted, to which Kinjal clarifies that her words were aimed at his actions, not at animals.

Kinjal points out that she has shouldered the expenses he enumerated, while he hasn’t. Toshu challenges her, asking what her next step will be, questioning if she intends to return to India. Kinjal asserts her choice to leave with their daughter. Pari intervenes, expressing her desire for both parents, unlike Ansh and Ishu, and pleads for them to cease their argument. Kinjal then calls out to Pari, ending the confrontation.

Anuj asks Anupama to share her feelings about winning. Anupama suggests he have some sweets first. As Shruti congratulates her and Anupama prepares to feed him sweets, she insists Shruti have some first. Shruti agrees, asking when Anupama plans to return to India.

She praises Anupama’s achievements and suggests opening a restaurant there with investors. Shruti mentions she and Anuj have discussed hiring help for Aadhya so Anupama can focus on her dreams. Anupama is surprised by the offer. Anuj emphasizes the decision is hers. Shruti agrees, asking Anupama for her wishes.

Meanwhile, Vanraj is restless, pondering over Anupama’s victory. Kavya advises him to find peace in others’ success to sleep better. When Kavya asks if he wants Anupama to return, Vanraj firmly denies, imagining the jubilation her return would bring to everyone except him. He believes Anupama should stay where she is, managing Anuj’s family.

Anupama declares, “I have no plans to leave. My presence is solely for my daughter Aadhya, and I’ll stay until she’s well. Please, don’t worry about me; my life is in the hands of the highest power, Kanha ji.” Shruti inquires, “Whose hands?” Anupama clarifies, “Kanha ji’s hands. May I go to my room?” Anuj assures her, “Of course,” and encourages her to savor the moment.

Meanwhile, Beeji and Yashdeep are preparing the tiffin. Beeji inquires about their restaurant and whether it’s been sold. Yashdeep responds, “It doesn’t matter; we’re heading to India next week. I’ll be focusing on organic farming.

” Beeji jests, “I’ll drive the tractor,” to which Yashdeep teases, “Your driving skills aren’t up to par.” He expresses relief that all their staff has found new jobs. Beeji encourages him to share his feelings with Anupama. Anupama interjects, “I am content inside and don’t need anything.” Beeji insists, “Let her decide; why are you deciding for her? Speak up, as there’s only one week left.”

Baa calls for everyone to enjoy some gobi. Reporters arrive and inquire about Anupama’s victory. Baa proudly attributes Anupama’s win to her own support and reveals that she considers Anupama not just a daughter-in-law but her own daughter, emphasizing the importance of Anupama’s diary in her success.

The reporters turn to Vanraj, questioning if he had foreseen Anupama’s triumph given his years of tasting her cooking. Vanraj expresses happiness and pride in Anupama’s achievement but cautions her about handling success. The reporters express gratitude and take their leave.

Neighbors arrive, showering Anupama with praise. Baa boasts about teaching Anupama how to cook, but the neighbors are puzzled, as they recall Baa always relaxing on a swing while Anupama managed the kitchen. Anupama reflects on Toshu’s words, and as she flips through her diary, Anuj arrives. Anupama addresses him affectionately, and Anuj nods in agreement. She admits her struggle to let go of her resentment, and he assures her that she is capable of doing so.

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